
Showing posts from April, 2020

Food....Menu Planning, Family Favorites & Recipes Boun Appetito!

Food Food Food - pretty much the primary focus in my house. I have a husband that loves food. I have three kids that eat everything! So food for me is a daily priority: what to cook, what is healthy, how do I fill them up, menu planning and shopping. On a weekly basis this is how I manage feeding my family: Sunday Night I review the food in the house (refrigerator, freezer and cabinets) - then I menu plan accordingly making a menu using the stuff I have in the house. Of course I get special request from the kids, I have a craving for other stuff, and then I also shop for our weekly needs.  Mondays I grocery shop for what I need to have everything for the week. Why I menu plan......basically to save money! I LOVE grocery shopping. I am that person that walks ALL the aisles looking and loving everything! I especially love stores like Whole Foods, Lazy Acres, Jimbos, Sprouts, Traders Joes. I would shop each one weekly if I could because each ones has things I love!! I li...