
Showing posts from 2014

We LOVE Greece!

Hi Everyone   Sadly it is that time of year again, we are getting ready to leave our lovely home here in Greece. What an experience it was this year to arrive and live in such a beautiful new home!!!! It really is an oasis here in Kavala!!!   The kids and this mommy are all very sad to be leaving. There have been many tears already and we haven't even left yet. We showed the kids on a calendar how many days/months we have till we return. They love not only the house but they love all the people here that they know in Greece specifically Thea Jenny, Meme and Papou, their kid friend Dimitri, their other friend and Thassos buddy Dora, and all the other parents and grandparents they have gotten to know. They truly do have a real affection for everyone in their lives here in Greece.  I am so happy and grateful to all our family and friends for loving my children and myself so much!   Here are the beautiful faces of these 3 little kids that love Greece so much. Till we se

La Scala - My little piece of Greek heaven!!!

Hi Family & Friends This is my little piece of heaven!! I wish I could stay here always!!!  As soon as the boat pushes off the mainland in Kavala my soul finds a sense of peace and quiet that I never experience anywhere else. It is strange, but going to Thassos Island is my place in heaven on earth. Last year I spent 2 nights, this year 2 nights, next year at least 5 nights!! I want that peace to penetrate my heart and soul to last me all the rest of the 360 days of the year!!! My absolute favorite heavenly place is La Scala Beach. My girlfriend Dora told me about it last year and I stopped by to take a look last year and was overwhlemed by the beauty. This year my goal was to go to La Scala, rent the front cabana, and stay all day into the evening and eat dinner there. I WAS SUCCESSFUL!!!  We arrived 11:30am and stayed through dinner till 9:30pm.....we left the beach in the darkness, we were the last people to leave, and we said good night to La Scala till next year. There