La Scala - My little piece of Greek heaven!!!

Hi Family & Friends

This is my little piece of heaven!! I wish I could stay here always!!!  As soon as the boat pushes off the mainland in Kavala my soul finds a sense of peace and quiet that I never experience anywhere else. It is strange, but going to Thassos Island is my place in heaven on earth. Last year I spent 2 nights, this year 2 nights, next year at least 5 nights!! I want that peace to penetrate my heart and soul to last me all the rest of the 360 days of the year!!!

My absolute favorite heavenly place is La Scala Beach. My girlfriend Dora told me about it last year and I stopped by to take a look last year and was overwhlemed by the beauty. This year my goal was to go to La Scala, rent the front cabana, and stay all day into the evening and eat dinner there. I WAS SUCCESSFUL!!!  We arrived 11:30am and stayed through dinner till 9:30pm.....we left the beach in the darkness, we were the last people to leave, and we said good night to La Scala till next year.

There is so much about Thassos Island to share. I will break it into different posts to not overwhelm and honestly each place deserves it's own recognition for being special!!!

Till then, enjoy the beautiful pictures that are La Scala!! Till next year!!!!!

Welcome to La Scala
White Marble Beach with crushed white marble sand

Beach Front Cabana - my dream come true
And with the breeze the white curtains flow
And the blue Aegean below makes you believe you are dreaming

There is also a small pool nestled amoung the trees,
the sea with cocktail tables and the outdoor bar

There is also a gorgeous outdoor restaurant on the property

They also have this lounging style seaside cabana

Where the crystal blue Aegean meets the sand 

The Happy La Scala Crew: Theodoros, Dora, Anastasia, Valeria & Eugenie
and Niko not pictured
The smiles of happiness say it all!!!
Introducing Theodoros & Theodora

Niko & Dora
Check out our cabana right behind them!!

Poolside enjoying cocktails & juice

Anastasia and her Thea Jenny

Cocktail Hour

Cheers Mom (and yes my/his beer bottle is empty!)

Cheers - WE LOVE LA SCALA!!!
ps....they made Dora the best Mojito!!!!
Girls with attitudes! Girls ROCK!!!!
Ana loves the "selfies"

Great friends - Dora & Valeria at dinner

Crystal blue waters!!! SOOO FUN!

Also areas to explore beyond the sand!!!

My three adventurers....I love my beach buddies!!!

Ana and our good friend Eli!!!
Enjoying the sea and having fun!

Yes, Mommy went Sea Urchin diving!!! Kids had a blast holding them
and watching them slowly move on their hands!!!

Ana posing in front of the restaurant!

Dinner for 6! I have travelled the world, and dinner at La Scala was
probably one of the top 5 meals I have ever hand!!!
La Scala by evening!! I wish I could pull up a lounge chair
and spend the night under the stars of La Scala and the sky!!
My gorgeous girl.....who teaches these kids how to pose!!
I am so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter - beautiful mind, soul and heart!!


Theo telling everyone to hang loose!
He loved the chill vibe of La Scala!

Good Night La Scala

Till next year!!!
I will remember you fondly!!
Next, La Scala and days of heaven!!!!



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