Happy 4th of July - Greek Style!!!

Happy 4th of July

Even in Greece we celebrate the 4th of July! With small American flags lining the entry way of our house, blue star napkins and American flag glassware, we celebrated the 4th of July with a big family & friend BBQ...... but of course, Greek style!!!
We also had the entire house pitch in to get ready!
Nic Sr. and Phil did the BBQ
Therese was the Master Chef and prepped most of the other food
Val was in charge of table setting and helping with food
Ana (like a little Cinderella) swept the entire patio for about 2 hours (dedication)
Niko and Theo did all the other odd jobs around the house putting things away, etc!
Great Teamwork!!!
BBQ Menu
Pork Souvlaki
Fried Whole Shrimp
Cabbage Salad
Green Salad with Lemon & Dill
Greek Tomato & Feta Salad
Homemade French Fries
Grilled Vegetables
Corn on the Cob
Pickled Veggies
Fruit Plate
Chocolate Oreo Ice Cream Cake
Various Greek Cookies
We had fun introducing our friends to BBQ Sauce & A1 sauce; they were tasting them for the 1st time! Yes, that was just one of the many things that came in my luggage!!
After we cleaned up everything, my favorite thing being washing plates, pots and pans by hand (I learned to love that from my Dad), Phil walked kids to our beach to swim at 6:30pm (nice way to work off the food). I sat down with a cup of herbal tea (since I don't drink coffee anymore) and just relaxed. Just in time for the Germany vs. France soccer game!!
Go France!!
We enjoyed our family and friend time together!!!!!


Phil is grilling vegetables & Nic Sr. is frying up fresh, homemade French Fries
We all hand peeled 30 potatoes last night

Kids had fun 4th of July bracelets

Now that's a steak!!
The Pork Souvlaki are on the little side grill!!

Grilling Organic, Grass fed HUGE steaks!
I've never seen steaks this big!

Makrogiannis Grill Team

Family & Friends!
Thanks for celebrating with us!
Sotiria, Maria, Vassilis, Dora, Koula, Dimitri, Nic, Mary, Therese, Valeria
Not Pictures: Niko, Theo, Ana & Dimitri - all off having fun!!!



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