Riva Beach Club & Bar

As our days are counting down, I am going to share with you the reason we come to this lovely place..............crystal clear blue warm waters and an atmosphere of relaxation and calm. Many people ask me about all the political and economically disruptions and difficulties in Greece, and yes all that does exist, however in our small little oasis called Kavala we are in our own little bubble of wonderfulness!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riva Beach Club and Bar
Here is a list of the main reasons we love this beach

Crystal clear waters that are shallow
Small kids play swimming pool
Best wooden platforms and lounge beds in Kavala

This beach is in a beach area called Ammolofoi. It is a stretch of wonderful, crystal blue water, shallow beaches about 30 minutes from Kavala. We head to this area about 4 days per week and frequent the many beach clubs in this area. For me going to the beach in Greece is called Civilized Beach going......you have bathrooms, showers, changing rooms, cafe/bar and/or restaurant on the sand, umbrellas and lounge chairs at almost every beach. There are waiters that bring you your coffee drink of choice! I only have to drag with me towels, beach toys and a change of clothes for the kids and myself (because we always go to a restaurant after the beach).

We are creatures of habit and repeatedly go to the beaches we love, by-passing the ones we don't like for whatever reason. We are the same about our restaurants. We have about 3-4 regular restaurants we frequent. We know the owners, we are treated like locals (oh, because we are locals) and the food is always amazing. Today we stepped out of our routine and went to a new restaurant for us..the result...SPECTACULAR! The restaurants name is "Street of Tastes" and oh it was tasty!!! I love the name but most importantly I love the location - on the sand!!! Below are some pictures! We'll be returning, FOR SURE!!!!

Enjoy today's post!!! More beaches to come!!


Best wooden platforms and lounge chairs

Kid Pool on the beach

On site restaurant

Coffee Shop where all my drink order are filled and then walked to me by cute tan beach boy waiters.

Our family in action on the platforms!

My cute Theo

Beach Waiter in training....he wants to work here as a summer job!
Above he's running to deliver the food I ordered (sand nuggets)
Below you can see he has been working hard on his tray carrying abilities
He can actually carry trays really well and one in each hand
And this picture might not show it but he's super tan!!!

Ana post swim relax time

Uncle Andrea teaching the kids the joy and excitement of playing sand soldier
Absolute Thrilling

Favorite new restaurant - Street of Tastes

Tables right on the sand

Chef Theo

Ana & Niko

Theo, our today's restaurant critic, gave Road of Tastes a big cheers and 4 thumbs up!!!
Sending all my love to you all
Tomorrow we are off to another favorite beach.....which I'll feature in a few days!!!



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