Getting out of town

Sarakina Beach
When we need to get out of town and away from the crowds of the Sunday beach goers, we head about 45 minutes out of town to Sarakina!!!! A gorgeous, quiet area, it has the pristine waters and the peace and quiet we are looking for on weekends!! Not to mention on the beach they have the best casual fish tavern that cooks up the fresh fish caught by restaurant owner in his little blue boat (see pictures).....better not fall asleep at lunch time because the tables are few and the fish goes quick. He grills up on his small charcoal grill what he caught for the day and you get what's available - which is perfection! The prices are higher but when you have eaten fresh fish like this, money is no matter!!! We love this place and the kids love it also! Occasionally we'll get small waves here, we're talking maybe 1 foot rolling waves......small, baby style, but it makes it fun for kids!
Enjoy the pics! We love Sarakina!!
Sarakina Beach

Restaurant owners little blue boat
Fresh Fish!!
Only about 25 umbrellas

Theo getting creative on the sand
Brother & Sister

Mommy and kids!

Mommy, kids and Thea Jenny

Lovebirds.....Jenny & Andrea

Jenny, Andrea and their 3 kids!

A little Harry Potter before lunch

Ana explaining to Andrea the wonders of Lego Friends

Jenny getting a Harry Potter lesson

Fresh Fish caught a few hours ago! Ready for cooking

Restaurant full, beach chairs empty!!

Lunchtime heaven

Beautiful Sarakina Girl!!!

We love you Sarakina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep it peaceful!!!!


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