Overnight Thassos Island Adventure (Mommy & Kids)

Thassos Island is located directly across from Kavala (mainland).....pretty much from any location in Kavala, if you look towards the sea you will see Thassos. It's not a huge island. You can drive around the whole island in about 2-3 hours. The kids love Thassos partly because who doesn't love "an island", they love the shallow waters (Golden Beach is extremely shallow), and they love adventures. When my sister Laura was here, I took her and the kids for the day. We drove around the island, made stops along the way, and had a great adventure. So when I asked them what they wanted to do with one week left here in Greece they unanimously told me......THASSOS!!

So I decided to take them for an overnight adventure to Thassos. The month of August is very busy with tourist. This week with the most important Greek holiday coming up is EXTREMELY busy.....but I was able to find a great hotel for our overnight adventure....blocks from the beach, walking distance to the beachfront town of Potamia. The hotel had a "quad" room which meant beds for everyone!!!!! So off we went....here is our chronicle of pictures for our Overnight Thassos Adventure! It was really great and we will always remember our great time together! It is making me a little sad that our Greece adventure is one week away from being over because the 4 of us, despite many many mother-child moments, we have had a wonderful trip and I know when they are older they will remember our time together!!!

The Beginning
Ferry boat from Kavala Port to town of Prinos, Thassos Island

Kids on Ferry Boat, in our little seating area, iTouches in hand
It takes about 1 hour 15 minutes to travel from port to port!
Enough time for a little Mindcraft, Coffee for Mom, and a few snacks

Our car is way way back there.......seriously the most inefficient, efficient way to
pack cars in and park them like puzzle pieces. You seriously can't move one car,
without the one next to it moving. I'm an expert! I got a thumbs up this morning
because I back up better than most people!!!
Here the ramp is beginning to lower as we approach the dock.

Day 1

Golden Beach......in the town of Poto
White sand, warm water, super shallow

At the end of the beach there is a boat dock where the brave kids
(all 3 of mine) jump off into the water. Makes for an amazing good time!!!


We got there early so we got front row, which for me is great because there is no one between me and the water!!! Those are my ugly toes and my beautiful kids!

Kids sitting criss-cross apple sauce in the water contemplating life
Look at the guy in the red swim short......you can see how shallow the water is and
he's about 100 yards out from the shore.

Feeling pretty good right about now!!! We love the Golden Beach!
Day 2

Breakfast at the Hotel
La Scala Beach

It's a newer beach and seriously I could stay here forever

Fabric drapped seating areas feature comfy cozy lounge chair sofas

It was so beautiful, breezy and romantic. The beach was located on edge of pine forest
so much of the seating area was under pine trees which was beautiful.

If you weren't lucky enough to get special lounge areas.....they also had great lounges with cushioned seats, some under pine tress, others in the sun! You pick what you want!!!

Theo, our Greece Critic, gave this place a big thumbs up!!!

Ana was in love with the lovely drapes! She told me this place was like the beach where princesses go and I couldn't agree more!!! I will definitely return to this place, spend many days, enjoy the peace and quiet and a cocktail in  hand!!!!

Kids loved Thassos and I loved being there with them!!!!
I just love this little threesome!!!!
Big Hugs everyone!
Tomorrow off to Liquid Beach....another favorite beach!!!
Love, Val


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