Fresh off the Vine

The quality of fruits and vegetables in Greece is FRESH!!! Whether you are buying from your small town fruit/veggie store or the weekly Saturday farmer's rest assurred that the fruit and vegetables, eggs and flowers and olives, etc., are coming straight from the source! And you can taste the freshness! We are lucky to have close friends Dimitri and Koula; their home is what you can call Fresh off the vine! Their garden of fruit trees and vegetable vines is absolutely amazing and gorgeous. Dimitri is the man in charge of the vines; Koula (although probably also in charge of the vines) is majorly in charge of cooking this amazingly fresh food, and you can taste the quality in their food. On my last blog post about "FOOD FOOD FOOD" I mentioned that I wanted to live with Dimitri and Koula for a month to learn to cook. I also want to live with them for a month to learn how to garden as well as they do.....I want their trees and vines! Although the sea air and the Greek soil have something to do with their success (and my rocky, granite filled soil isn't prime conditions), I'd love to have their knowledge!!! So impressed was I with their growth, I took pictures!! So enjoy the beauty that nature has to offer!! (ps.....this is just a sampling of all that they grow!!!)

Watermelons - home grown!!

Greek Yellow/Green Peppers

All different kinds of Greek Peppers

Huge Pumpkins

Green Grape vines - growing everywhere especially their fence and overhanging their outdoor kitchen, need I say more, visually so beautiful!!!

Pomegranite Trees

Apple Trees

Pear Trees

Peach Trees

And.......rows and rows and rows of tomatoes (all kinds), these are about 5 feet tall (no joke)

My kids espeically like seeing where their food comes from......I know we teach them, but they are so impressed that they can pick something and Koula can cook something!!! I think I will definitely get back to growing some food in my yard vegetable boxes (oh Cornelio (our gardener)......we need to talk raised vegetable more granite rock for me!!!)
Missing everyone so much!!!
Big hugs to everyone
Love, Val & Kids


  1. Thank you for your kind words about my parents and the beautiful pictures! And thank you for reminding me to appreciate what I sometimes take for granted..
    Always a joy and always welcome because as Dimitris and Koula say: "what's the point in doing and having anything if you don't have good friends to share it with".-DORA


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