Greece.......countdown begins

Hi Family & Friends!!!!

We are one week away from our departure for Greece. The week will be full of cleaning house, packing 6 suitcases, having last kid and mommy playdates with friends, my mom arriving for a few days, Niko's 1st Communion, and what I'm sure will be a full full week! But the Makro household is super excited! The kids are begging me to let them pack their backpacks for the airplane trip. And their excitement is fun yet a little stressful as I realize how much I have to do in 168 hours!!

This past week we had the excitement of Niko completing 2nd grade! The twins graduated from Kindergarten! Of course very emotional for this mommy who every year I am in shock at how quickly time passes, how tall/big the kids are growing, and amazed at how smart and lovely my children are becoming everyday!!!

Many of you have asked about the blog and yes I'll be posting at least twice a week while I'm in Greece. I will email out the blog link once a week. And if you are on Facebook I'll also post blog link there.

I'll update again once all the suitcases are packed and ready to go!!!!

Big Hugs and officially Happy Summer Vacation!!!

Ana receiving Kindergarten Diploma
Theo receiving Kindergarten Diploma 

Theo the happy graduate

Kindergarten class at The Nativity School 2014 

Happy & Proud Parents!!

Niko's favorite tutor Ms. Amy



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