Crocheting like a quarantined woman!

Did you know I crochet? 

 It all started back when I was young and my Chilean Grandmother Marta Bianchi would come to our house for visits that would last months. She had lots of talents and hobbies. She painted, she knitted, she played cards. She was a wonderful woman. And I remember being young making yarn balls for her; I would hold the yard while she knitted sweaters. She taught me how to knit and I was so excited to sit there next to her and be just like her. 

Then life and school and sports happened and I never picked up needles again. Till sometime in my 20's my older sister Laura showed me again how to knit. I was so frustrated with knitting because I could never fix my mistakes. So all the things I made always looked good but had holes or missing spots. 

Then when I was pregnant with the twins and was pretty much not moving very much my sister taught me to crochet and I loved it. I loved the muscle memory of it because once you learned the stitch you could sit there multi-tasking and crocheting at the same time. I could watch TV and crochet. I could watch baby Niko playing on the ground and crochet. I made baby blankets and scarves. I did it for a while till I got bored. Fast forward many years, while my daughter was playing soccer and I endlessly sat on the soccer field watching her practice and play, I took it up again. I wanted to make a King size blanket for my bed. It is always a start-stop type of project. I would get inspired to start, do it for a while, then put the project away.  

A few weeks ago, in the cleaning out of my closet in preparation for my upcoming move, I found the unfinished king size blanket, pulled it out and finally after 3 years finished the blanket!!  I have since made two more Ohio State Red/Grey/Black/White blankets for the kids. I just finished a lap blanket for my mom. I need to make one more Ohio State color blanket, since I have three kids. I have to order my yarn from Amazon because I am not going to stores right now.

I am teaching myself new stitches by watching YouTube. I know it is a phase, because how many blankets can I make. But honestly it relaxes the brain and it makes me feel like I am doing something with my time. But anyways, it's just one thing I am doing with my time.

I hope everyone is enjoying their time at home despite how we are all feeling about the world around us and what is happening! Our family has a structured schedule during the week. The kids are so excited that it is the weekend because the white board schedule says "Anything Goes"! Only thing they have to do over the weekend is..... 
1. Move
2. Read
3. Daily Chore
4. Saturday Cooking Class: Make one recipe with mom. This weekend we will either make German Lemon Cookies OR Pizza Dough
5. Sunday News Night......Sunday each kid has to read one news article of their choice about any subject and tell us about it over Sunday Night Dinner. 

German Lemon Heart Cookies | Traditional Christmas Cookies

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Hugs Love

Next Week Posts.....

  • What Being in Italy during this time has really been like.
  • Google Calendar & How I organize & manage 5 people on one family calendar (you have all wanted to know how I manage our busy schedule).
  • 5 Favorite Recipes for family eating fast/easy/yummy!


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