Special day with mommy girlfriends at Rancho Valencia
Today with a very special group of ladies that have become a big part of my life, we celebrated the close of a spectacular year full of fun events. It is rare that a group of people come together by chance and just bond and enjoy each other's time as much as this group. We are so blessed to have this friendship. I know I speak for my hubby and I when we say we feel so incredibly lucky to have found such a fun, caring, compassionate group of families who we adore and we are so happy to have each of them in our lives and the lives of our children. Plus, they party like crazy and we love that!!!!!!!! Us moms enjoyed today a lovely Breakfast and Spa Day at Rancho Valencia in Rancho Santa Fe........my favorite place in San Diego! If you have not yet been to their restaurant Veladora , it is a must. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, is doesn't matter when, just go!!!! The spa is also out of this world..................if you get spa scrubs like I do, they have the most incredibly per...