Greek Teacher at home

Every Tuesday night recently we have had a wonderful Greek teacher come into our home and teach the children and myself Greek. The children really love her. It is great to see them respond to her and then on their own speak a few Greek words. Today Niko role played going to the little kiosks they have all over Greece and our village Kavala. At these Kiosks (Periptero in Greek) they sell everything from newspapers/magazines, popsicles, juice boxes, water bottles, candy, eggs, aspirin, etc etc get the idea. He played in Greek both the buyer and the seller. It was fun to see him do all this in Greek. It is great practice and review for me week her and I are going to converse about the day to day things I do in, cooking, going to restaurantss, asking for help, etc., and put them into words. It will be great practice. (it will help guarantee that I don't come home from the grocery with 1 Kilo of Feta Cheese.....we ate that block of Feta for 3 weeks).

I am also going to use this blog as a trial to see if I would like to blog about life, the things I do and create, the little details about life that I find so special, etc. I am not sure I have the stamina to keep up a blog but the idea of putting your life's ideas and experiences down on paper excites me. So we'll see. The blog will be mostly all about our adventures in Greece, but don't be suprised if you see a few random posts.

Kids are in bed......and I am off to sleep also!!
Good Night


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