My Sister Laura.......Zia in Greece

I love coming to our family home in Greece!!! I love Kavala! This specific trip to Greece is even more special to me this year because my sister Laura and her husband Craig made the pilgrimage to Greece after hearing me talk non stop about my last trip 2 years ago. They finally decided that if I was going to be here, my in laws were going to be here, then what better way that to experience a country than with natives (haha, funny how I call myself a native, but I'm practically one! at least by association)

Their itinerary included a personalized tour of Athens (by yours truly), day trip to island of Hydra, a few days on the magical and romantic island of Santorini (without me of course), a few days at the very historical island of Rhodes and last but not least family time in our hometown of Kavala. Craig was able to stay 3 days in Kavala before returning to Germany for work. Laura stayed on in Kavala for 9 days. Between myself and my wonderful in laws, Laura got an amazing taste of all that Kavala (Greece) has to offer!!! My father in law Nic made sure she tasted everything and experienced all that she could in 9 short days! I, myself, was blessed to share this experience with my sister!!! I am blessed that she made the long trek here and spent her precious holiday vacation time with myself, the children and my family here in Greece!!!

She left today and of course I am sad. But I am so thrilled that she came. I am so thrilled she tried everything I threw at her. I am so thrilled they had a great time! Biggest accomplishment for my sister was her FISH eating! My sister does NOT like seafood. A Greek menu is extensive in options, but she spent most of her trip on the water, therefore FISH was a primary menu item! She was served and she ate her first WHOLE fish on a plate (head, eyes, tail and all). I was so proud because literally for weeks we talked about food and what she was going to be able to eat and if the FISH was "fishy".....and I promised her it wouldn't, and she tried and guess what.............SHE LOVED IT! I wouldn't go as far as to say we converted her to a FISH loving person, but she now has a new appreciation for AMAZING FRESH TASTING FISH! Way to go Laura!!!

Anyways, here are just a few pictures from our time together! I was the photographer so most pictures feature her and the kids. She took some pictures of the 2 of us, which I'll get later for my already growing collection of pictures.

Enjoy Zia in Greece!!!!

Posing in front of the church of my father-in-law Nic's baptism in Kavala

Ana is taking our picture on a deserted beach on the island of Thassos.
Thassos is an island located 45 minutes by boat from the port of Kavala.
Our little gem of a deserted beach.....we drove around the island and just stopped
where we felt like taking in the was our adventure!

On the ferry boat, leaving Kavala's port heading to Thassos

Ancient Theatre in Filippi

Medieval Castle of Kavala and it's beautiful views of Kavala from the existing tower
Later, inside the castle, my kids proceeded to play knights and princess and they actually sat on a pile of cannon balls that were very old!!!!!!!! (will post pic another time)

Walking the windy narrow streets of Kavala - sometimes give you pretty sea views

Ancient sight of St. Paul's first step on European soil.......he landed in the city of Kavala

My families favorite fish restaurant called Isalos.....and now the sight of my sister's first FULL fish eating experience!!!!!!!!!!! We are all so proud of her!!!!

Zia and Meme enjoying the beautiful Aegean waters

Zia and Uncle Craig on the island of Hydra!!!
They are both home safe and sound!!!
I love them both!!! My kids love their Zia and their Uncle Craig!!!!
Hugs, Val


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