To Blog or Not To Blog...........................and the answer is......................

Yes I'll blog! I have been happily surprised by how much everyone liked viewing my blog. You all gave me such positive feedback, I was overwhelmed. And I had a great time blogging! It was a good outlet for my creative self.
But how much to blog......I've decided I'll blog when something is noteworthy, worth sharing, etc. I'm not going to blog about the day to day. I'll continue to notify Facebook when I add a new post. As far as emailing friends, I may do that once a quarter as I don't want to bombard friends with emails.
And please do not hesitate to email me and let me know if you do not want to be on email list anymore! I will never take offense that you don't want to read yet another email!!!
So, get ready.......................just kidding! I hope you enjoy sharing with me this road of creativity!!
Big Hugs


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